At the landmark area

At the front landmark of door major entry

The back door from motorcyle parking

The indoor of first step entry

At the area boost sales

Near the escalator

So, this is verry excited to show our journey for this week. The tittle for this week is landmark as we choose Aeon Mall Kota Bharu for landmark icon for us.

Aeon mall is located at Lembah Sireh, 15050,Kota Bharu, Kelantan in Malaysia. The business time as well as saturday until wednesday open 10.00am-10.00pm. When thursday and friday or public holidays start open at 10.00am-10.30pm. The history about First Aeon Mall on Eastern Coast of Malay Peninsula. AEON MALL Kota Bharu Opens on May 28 Aeon Co. (M) Bhd. (here in after “Aeon Malaysia”) opens Aeon Mall Kota Bharu (here in after “the Mall”) in Kota Bharu, the capital of the state of Kelantan, on May 28. Aeon Malaysia is developing new markets in the country and the Mall marks the company’s first on the eastern coast of the Malay Peninsula and its twenty-fourth overall. AEON MALL Kota Bharu’s Location and Market Characteristics. Located on the northeastern part of the Malay Peninsula near the Thai border, Kota Bharu is one of the largest cities on the eastern coast with a population of approximately 500,000 people. With more than 90% of the population Muslim, the city has a more traditional Malaysian cultural atmosphere compared to the cities on the western coast of the peninsula. The Mall is situated beside the Kelantan River with convenient access from both the center of Kota Bharu and its suburbs. Residential housing is increasing in the surrounding areas, which is expected to develop further in the future and bring with it population
expansion. AEON MALL Kota Bharu’s Main Features to Making Everyday Life an Enjoyment. Aeon mall provide the Largest mall in Kelantan with 150 specialty stores. The Mall boasts three above-ground floors with a total commercial facility area of approximately 60,000 m2, making it the largest shopping mall in the state of Kelantan. General merchandise store, Aeon Kota Bharu Store as an anchor store is joined by 150 specialty stores, 48 of which are debuting in Kelantan. Designed and operated based on the concept “Making Everyday Life an Enjoyment,” the Mall has a full selection of food, clothing, and household products oriented toward the Malay customers in the region. Additionally, the Mall offers the latest apparel and home fashion, and one of the largest restaurants and food courts in Kelantan, as well as an “IT World” bringing together specialty stores with the latest IT gadgets. As the first Aeon Mall on the eastern coast of the peninsula, Aeon Mall Kota Bharu proposes whole new lifestyles for the
customers in the community.
so this is our topic in this week. hope you enjoy and thanks for watching moreover read this blog. Have a nice day. Bye.

PTM 170105468


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